Building Maintenance Division

This Division is responsible for maintaining and making repairs to equipment and facilities in forty-four municipal buildings and structures totaling approximately 2,000,000 square feet, as well as maintaining town owned traffic lights.
The department is committed to accomplishing most tasks in house so that repair and maintenance costs can be kept to a minimum. On average, the department receives more than 2700 service requests annually, covering a wide expanse of time and expertise.
The division is comprised of 2 electricians, 3 plumbers, 4 carpenter/cabinet makers, 3 HVAC technicians and 2 maintenance repairmen.
Contact information
550 Patterson Avenue
Stratford, CT 06614
Phone: (203) 385-4080
Fax: (203) 385-4082
Hours: Monday - Friday
7:00 am to 3:00 pm