In 2005, the Town of Stratford elected its first Mayor to a four-year term. In addition to the Mayor, the Town elects a ten member Town Council. Members of the Town Council are elected to two-year terms and are elected by district. The Town Council appoints one of its members to serve as Chairman. The Mayor and the Town Council are responsible for setting policy through the enactment of ordinances and resolutions. Prior to the election of Stratford's first Mayor in 2005, the Town of Stratford operated under the Council-Manager form of government (1921 - 2005).
Town Council
Town Council Meetings
The Town Council conducts a regular business meeting on the second Monday of every month, except holidays. Special meetings are called as necessary. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m., and are preceded by a public forum that commences at 6:00 p.m.
Town Council Members
Elected 2-year Term for 2023-2025
First District | Hon. T. Bryan O'Connor | |
Second District | Hon. Christopher Green | |
Third District | Hon. Alvin O'Neal | |
Fourth District | Hon. Rene Gibson | |
Fifth District | Hon. Anthony O. Afriyie | |
Sixth District | Hon. Kerry L. Whitham | |
Seventh District | Hon. Kaitlyn Shake | |
Eighth District | Hon. Carl A. Glad | |
Ninth District | Hon. Alan D. Llewelyn | |
Tenth District | Hon. Paul T. Aurelia | |
Council Clerk | Margo Paquette |
Town Council Meeting Agendas, Notices, and Minutes
For further information concerning the Town Council, contact the Council Clerk at (203) 385-4035 or Email Council Clerk
Council Districts & Voting Locations Finder
Use the Council Districts & Voting Locations Finder to find out which District you live in, obtain your District Council Member's contact information and find out your voting location based on your street address.
Town Council Clerk
Phone:(203) 385-4035
Email Town Council Council Clerk