
The Fire Marshal’s Office is required by CT General Statutes 29-305 to annually inspect all residential buildings occupied by three or more families. Three families and above are classified as apartments by the CT Life Safety Code.

The Fire Marshal’s Office schedules these inspections.

During these inspections, the Fire Marshal’s Office will be looking for code compliance. We will be looking for the following:

  • Smoke alarms located outside every sleeping area;

  • Proper exiting from all apartments;

  • There is no excessive storage – exits are kept clear of any storage;

  • Where required, proper fire rated doors with self-closers; checking that the doors close and latch properly;

  • Required rescue windows work properly;

  • Proper use of electrical system;

  • No use of extension cords;

  • Proper lighting in exits.

The above is just some of the items we look for in code compliance. There may be additional issues that arise during inspections. Please be aware that the Fire Marshal’s office is not limited to this list, it is a small outline of what they look for during inspections.

The Fire Marshal’s goal is code compliance for all buildings. We are required by law to inspect on a yearly basis.

If there are any questions, please contact this office at 385-4073 or Email The Fire Marshal’s Office.