Message from Health Director

Our commitment to provide comprehensive public health services to Town residents is steadfast. Our staff continues to respond to a wide range of concerns and issues, including your questions about safe beach waters, nail salon and restaurant inspections, available health programming, and of course, any emerging health issues. Got questions? Email us at

As Hurricane season comes to a close, ahead of winter storm season, it's a great time to make a plan, set aside supplies you might need to either shelter-in-place or evacuate, and know where to go for information. And don't forget to sign up for Everbridge notifications on any and all phones in your household by clicking here.

Stay informed about activities all throughout Stratford by signing up with the Mayor's daily email blast and by following us on social media where we share data, helpful infographics and important information. 

Stay well & stay safe!

In Health,

Andrea L. Boissevain, MPH
Director of Health