Plowing Policy & Alternate Side of the Street Parking
Alternate Side of the Street Parking : Regulations are automatically in effect during any period of ice or snow accumulation. The municipal ordinance prohibits any person who has access to a driveway from parking on the adjoining public street during a snow or ice emergency.
1. At the start of the ban parking is permitted on the odd-numbered side of the street from 8:00 a.m. of the odd-numbered day to 8:00 a.m. the following morning.
2. Parking is permitted on the even-numbered side of the street from 8:00 a.m. of the even-numbered day to 8:00 a.m. the following morning.
There are approximately 400 miles of roads in the Town of Stratford. Snow removal is costly and time consuming. Residents are asked to cooperate with these guidelines to assist with the Town snow removal process.
Plow Routes : The streets are plowed and sanded in order of priority. Main roads are addressed first with special attention to steep hills and difficult intersections. Side streets are done next and then dead end streets are cleared. During an extremely heavy snowfall main arteries will be kept open and are the first priority.
Blocked Driveways : Snow plows angle the same way, to the driver’s right, and when going by they will push the snow in front of a driveway. Each homeowner is responsible for access to their driveway. The only way to avoid extra shoveling is to wait until Department of Public Works crews have done their final clean up on the street.
Sidewalks : Per Town ordinance, property owners are responsible for removing snow and ice from the sidewalk along their property line within 24 hours after the storm and keeping the sidewalks clear of snow and ice.
Mailbox Damage : The town only repairs or replaces mailboxes and/or posts that are actually struck by a plow blade. Usually a paint mark or truck tire tracks supply evidence of a mailbox strike. The town does not repair or replace mailboxes and/or posts that fall from the force of plowed snow. Mailboxes and supporting posts must be installed to withstand the rigors of snow removal, including the force of snow pushed from the street onto the roadside.
Private Plowing : The town prohibits private contractors or residents from pushing or blowing snow from driveways, parking lots or sidewalks onto town streets. This practice is dangerous and impedes the town’s snow removal efforts. If there is no other alternative to pushing snow into the street, the plow driver must plow off the windrow left across the street by re-plowing until the road is safe. This may not necessarily mean bare pavement, but it should be no worse than when the driver began work.