Quail Street Air Monitoring Results


View more information on the Quail Street cleanup here.

Air monitor locations


Week of January 3-7, 2022

  • Note: The follow-up chemical analysis for the January 3, 2022 workday detected lead at 0.00017 mg/m3, slightly above the conservative threshold selected for this work site of 0.00015 mg/m3.  This lead detection occurred at meter location 3.  This meter is located outside of the construction barrier.  On this day, wind was blowing west/southwest (from the direction of Salvia Street towards Karen Avenue).  We are unable to confirm whether this level is due to onsite or offsite activity, however, the air monitor was located upwind of the soil handling area and outside the work zone.  Wind speed was an average of 11mph.  There were no exceedances of dust action levels on this day and no exceedances of other chemical action levels at any other perimeter monitors or worker personal monitors.  Actions have been taken to ensure dust is controlled within the work area.

    It is important to note that the threshold for lead is set very low at this work site to protect the health of the workers and the community, and there is no health risk to the surrounding community. The threshold of 0.00015 mg/m3 currently used at the site is the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead and is normally used over a 90-day period. To be extremely protective of health, this project is using this number over a single work day. The current average concentration of lead for the Quail Street project period to date is currently well below the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead.

    Meter locations 1/3/2022

No work during weeks of Christmas and New Years

Week of December 6-9, 2021

  • On December 8, 2021, lead was detected at Station no.1 located at the Quail Street excavation site slightly above the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) 90-day average acceptable exposure of 0.00015mg/m3. The daily average detected concentration was 0.00016mg/m3. Station no.1 is located downwind of the excavation area along Quail Street. Station No.2 and the personal meter worn by an excavation worker at Quail Street that day did not detect lead. Copper, PCBs and asbestos were also all non-detect. Sevenson was excavating PHC material that day which has the highest concentrations of lead. The lead detected at Station no.1 does appear to be associated with excavation activities at the Site. However, given the short duration of this exceedance, the low level of lead detected, the general light wind direction away from nearby homes and the light wind speed and distance between the work site and Wooster Park, this concentration did not result in any exposures of health concern to the workers or surrounding community. It is also important to note that because the Quail Street site is small, perimeter meters are located fairly close to the work area, with a much larger distance between the meters and nearby residences. 

    • It is important to note that the threshold for lead is set very low at this work site to protect the health of the workers and the community, and there is no health risk to the surrounding community. The threshold of 0.00015 mg/m3 currently used at the site is the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead and is normally used over a 90-day period. To be extremely protective of health, this project is using this number over a single work day. The current average concentration of lead for the Quail Street project period to date is currently well below the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead.

Week of November 29 - December 3, 2021

  • Weekly Summary

    • Note:  The follow-up chemical analysis for November 29, 2021 detected lead above the conservative threshold selected for this work site of 0.00015 mg/m3 at meter location 2.  On this day, wind was blowing from the northeast toward the southwest at low speeds of 1-9 mph (from the direction of Salvia Street towards Quail Street).  We are unable to confirm whether this level is due to onsite or offsite activity, however, the air monitor was located upwind of the soil handling area.  There were no exceedances of dust action levels on November 29, 2021 and no exceedances of other chemical action levels at any other perimeter monitors or worker personal monitors.  Actions have been taken to ensure dust is controlled within the work area and assess the locations of the air monitors.

      It is important to note that the threshold for lead is set very low at this work site to protect the health of the workers and the community, and there is no health risk to the surrounding community. The threshold of 0.00015 mg/m3 currently used at the site is the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead and is normally used over a 90-day period. To be extremely protective of health, this project is using this number over a single work day. The current average concentration of lead for the Quail Street project period to date is currently well below the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead.