Raymark Industries, Inc. Superfund Site (Raybestos)
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In September 2016, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Record of Decision for a portion of the Raymark Industries, Inc. Superfund Site. It includes remedies for Upper Ferry Creek (OU3), the former Raybestos Memorial Field (OU4), remaining additional properties (OU6), and involves the installation of soil vapor mitigation systems in several homes and commercial buildings. View the Record of Decision here. This cleanup work is currently ongoing. View updates above.

The site of the remediated Raybestos facility today.

The former Raybestos facility prior to remediation.
The Health Department Role
The Raymark Industries, Inc. Superfund site has been a “work in progress” for more than two decades. The first 8 years of the project were largely dedicated to identifying areas in Stratford where contaminated fill had been placed years ago, and taking corrective actions at sites that posed the greatest threat to public health. For the past few years, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has focused on remaining properties with soil and/or sediment contamination.
The Stratford Health Department (SHD) has played a central role in the Raymark investigation and cleanup since the beginning, and remains actively involved to this day. A repository of documents on the Raymark site is maintained at the SHD to provide timely information to the Stratford public as well as a historical perspective on the process.
To learn about the history of Raymark, read about past health studies, learn about community involvement, or familiarize yourself with the different aspects of the project, click on one of the many links above. If you have any questions about Raymark, please call Alivia Coleman at (203) 385-4090.