American Shakespeare Festival Theatre Archives
About 2009, the Shakespeare Theatre on Elm Street was cleared of its contents: costumes, paintings, props, and photos. These assets were moved from location to location, and it's difficult to know where they all went. However, some paintings, photos, and props were located in the Veterans' Museum in Oronoque. These items are being scanned and cataloged. As the scanning progresses, new photos and slide shows will be posted here.

The photo above was captured in 1955 and is the original property of the American Shakespeare Festival Theatre organization.
A Visitor's Guide - The ASFT Connecticut Center for the Performing Arts
The Winter's Tale 1975 Photos 1
As You Like It 1976 Photos
The Crucible 1976 Photos 1
The Winter's Tale 1976
The American Shakespeare Theatre, published in 1984, is a comprehensive look at the theatre, its origins, and its nearly 30 seasons. The book can be found on Amazon and eBay, but try Stratford Library first. If you're interested in the Shakespeare Theatre, the book is well worth the time, money, and effort to locate it and read it.

David Wright
(Appointed June 13, 2022)
Stratford Town Hall
2725 Main Street, Basement
Stratford, Connecticut 06615
Phone: (475) 476-5924
> Email the Town Historian
> website
Office Hours: by appointment.