Stratford At Your Service
Frequently Asked Questions About Work Requests
***The Town of Stratford uses an online reporting system to receive and track service requests. Our online system is easy to use and will result in the FASTEST response time from town personnel. To enter a service request, CLICK HERE.***
Minor potholes and road imperfections are repaired on a routine basis during warm months of the year, and temporarily patched in the winter as needed. Lists of repair work to be completed are compiled in two ways: routine surveys of town roads by Public Works employees, and resident reports.
The Department of Public Works tries to respond to repair requests within 48 hours and repairs as many road imperfections as the department’s budget allows. Response time can be lengthened due to inclement weather, special events, holidays, or unforeseen circumstances requiring immediate staff attention.
If you encounter a pothole you wish to have repaired, CLICK HERE to add your request to the repair list. If you wish to check the status of your repair request, you may call the Department of Public Works at 203.385.4080 (please allow at least ONE WEEK from the submission of your request before contacting the Department).
PROPERTY OWNERS are responsible, by town ordinance, for the maintenance and repair of the sidewalk(s) adjacent to their property. Exceptions include damage resulting from the actions or negligence of the Town of Stratford (i.e. trees located on town property, plow damage, etc.), or sidewalks adjacent to town property or public right of ways. Residents must repair damaged sidewalks to Town Code specifications and obtain proper permits. Residents may enlist the services of a private contractor to repair a sidewalk, or may pay the Town to perform the repair.
For more information on sidewalk repair specifications and permits, contact the Engineering Department at 203.385.4013. If you see a sidewalk adjacent to Town property that is in need of repair, CLICK HERE to report it.
Roads that are in need of major repair and reconstruction (milling, repaving, etc.) are planned as part of the Capital Improvement Plan in each year’s budget. Roads are designated for reconstruction based solely upon considerations of merit, safety, and cost as determined by the Department of Public Works. These projects, because of their size and cost, routinely take months to years to fully complete.
The Town of Stratford currently operates 26 plow routes to clear our community’s nearly 451 lane-miles of road during snow events. Plows begin by clearing Stratford’s most heavily traveled thoroughfares and end with smaller streets that see the least amount of traffic. In order to be fair and objective in plow operations, route lists ARE NOT changed based on resident requests. Depending on the severity of the storm, it can take up to fourteen (14) hours for all plow routes to be completed after snowfall has stopped. If you believe your street has been skipped or inadequately cleared, please call Public Works at 203.385.4080.
The Parks Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that all town parks are maintained and properly prepared for recreational events. If you see something that needs attention, SAY something! CLICK HERE to report maintenance problems at Stratford parks and recreation areas.