Budget workshops scheduled for next several weeks via Ordinance Committee
Workshops to be held at Baldwin Center (Location & dates are subject to change)
STRATFORD – Mayor Laura R. Hoydick officially submitted her proposed 2026 Fiscal Year Town Operating Budget to the Town Council on Wednesday, March 12th, and Budget Workshops are set to begin after the Town Council Special Meeting tonight at 6:30pm at Baldwin Center (1000 West Broad Street, Stratford). Mayor Hoydick’s proposed budget may be found here.
Mayor Hoydick noted in her letter to the Town Council, “Since taking office in 2017, tax relief has been a priority. My administration reduced taxes for five years, kept the FY24 increase minimal, and maintained a zero-increase last year. For FY 2025-2026, we are holding taxes flat again, with a total Town budget of $266,046,133. This budget supports Town departments while prioritizing efficient services and investing in our schools and students.
“Special Education and appropriate funding for public schools has been a focus for all municipalities in the State of Connecticut. I have worked closely with the Interim-Superintendent Borges to fund the proposed school budget as requested. The proposed Town budget for the 2026 Fiscal Year fully funds the operating budget requested by the Stratford Board of Education and SPS Administration. In addition, I suggest we add a Special Education Non-Lapsing Fund so we have reserves set aside should the cost of Special Education exceed the approved budget. The total proposed budget for Stratford Public Schools is $132,953,937, and we are confident this will provide the necessary resources, infrastructure, and support to those who work tirelessly to improve the academic achievement and social emotional well-being of our students. This budget is a commitment by the Town to moving our students, our schools, and our community forward.
“I look forward to continuing to work with the school administration, Board of Education and the Town Council to provide the necessary funding to all Town departments, and I am confident that this proposed budget represents a fiscally sound path for Stratford.”
Upon receiving the proposed budget from Mayor Hoydick, Town Council Chair and District 8 Councilman, Carl Glad discussed the process for the Town Council to review the budget through Ordinance Committee, with workshops covering the various Town departments. “I am excited to start our budget process. The Mayor has submitted a budget that continues to support the services our community needs and fully funds the Board of Education proposal without raising taxes. I look forward to working with all of the members of the Council to go through the details and approve a budget that continues to move Stratford in a positive direction.”
Mr. Glad continued, “During this evening’s Council Special Meeting, I hope the Council will move both ordinances -- the ordinance to adopt the annual operating budget for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2025, and ending June 30, 2026, as well as the ordinance levying the tax rate – to be referred to the Ordinance Committee for a public hearing, which will involve several budget workshops. Once the referral is approved, we will begin with the Board of Education workshop at 7pm this evening directly following the Council meeting.”
Ordinance Committe Chair, Alan Llewelyn, also commented, “We’re excited to get to work in reviewing Mayor’s Hoydick’s proposed 2026 budget over the next few weeks, beginning with the Board of Education presenting the Stratford Public Schools’ budget this evening. I am appreciative of Mayor Hoydick’s continued dedication to moving the Town of Stratford and its school system forward while being responsible to Stratford’s taxpayers. Her recommendation of introducing a Special Education Non-Lapsing Fund is a sensible approach to ensure we have a safety net, in the event that Pupil Services / Special Education costs exceed the approved budget.”
Mr. Lllewelyn noted, “As a housekeeping reminder, budget workshops are currently scheduled to be held at the Baldwin Center; however, the schedule and location of the workshops are subject to change. I encourage anyone interested in attending to please check the Master Town Calendar under the Calendars tab at for the most accurate and up-to-date information.”
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Stratford Town Hall ● 2725 Main Street ● Stratford, Connecticut 06615