Raymark Community Involvement

Attend our community meetings to learn about ongoing and upcoming cleanup work.

Community meetings are currently held every other month on the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm. Anyone is welcome to attend in person at 300 Ferry Boulevard, or join remotely using the link or dial-in information provided below. Hybrid meetings are now hosted through Zoom:

Raymark CAG Meeting Link and Call-in Information:

Zoom Meeting ID: 952 3909 0172

Passcode: 714727

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 646 931 3860

One tap mobile: +16469313860,,95239090172#,,,,*714727# US

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Download the Zoom App

2025 Meeting Dates:

  • January 29 

  • March 26

  • May 28

  • July 30

  • September 24

  • November 19 (meeting is being held on the third Wednesday due to Thanksgiving)

About Community Involvement

Community groups have played a key role since the beginning of the Raymark project.  The current, newly established community group is the Raymark Community Advisory Group. 

 What is a Community Advisory Group?

A Community Advisory Group (CAG) is made up of members of a community and is designed to serve as the focal point for the exchange of information among the local community and EPA, the State regulatory agency, and other pertinent agencies involved in cleanup of the Superfund site.

Who can be a member of the CAG?

The members of a CAG should represent various interests of the greater community.  This allows different points of view and ideas to be shared and multiple groups within the community to be represented.  To the extent possible, membership in the CAG should reflect the composition of the community near the site and the diversity of racial, ethnic, and economic interests in the community.  Members of a CAG may include concerned citizens, citizens with environmental or public health experience, local business owners, religious organization members, cultural organization members, council members, state representatives, and members of other local groups and organizations. While it often is difficult to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to be heard in large groups, the CAG should include enough members to adequately reflect the diversity of community interests regarding site cleanup and reuse. 

What can a CAG do?

The purpose of a CAG is to provide an opportunity for community members to present and discuss their needs and concerns related to the Superfund site and learn about site updates.  A CAG can provide important information about the site, express the community's environmental and health questions, and provide valuable feedback to the agencies.  The CAG can also be useful in disseminating important information about the site to the rest of the community.

How can I become involved?

Anyone is welcome to attend community meetings using the information above.  If you would like to be added to the Raymark updates email distribution list, please email Alivia Coleman.

To learn about past community groups and the work they accomplished, visit Historical Community Involvement.  




2025 Meeting Dates:

  • January 29 

  • March 26

  • May 28

  • July 30

  • September 24

  • November 19 (meeting is being held on the third Wednesday due to Thanksgiving)